A belated early summer garden post

The Kimble farm had to be put on the back burner the last two months due to a family emergency. This led my focus away from the garden and ultimately I killed lots of things.

But it’s ok! We are all alive and sometimes life forces us to take sudden left turns, which is what we needed to do.

And life persists in the garden. Even without the attention I needed to give it, things still are growing and providing good distraction now that life is settling into a new routine.

Half of my tomato seedlings didn’t successfully make it into the garden and those that did didn’t get the attention they needed. Enter my local garden center to replace about 60 percent of what I killed with happy plants.

Peas and snap peas came and went and I missed the window to eat much of anything. Beans are still producing, tomatoes are coming in, and I’ve already started using small peppers that are coming up.

I need to dig out my garlic soon–they aren’t really thriving so I think I will plant hard neck again this fall. Potatoes are going crazy. And blueberries are still on the green side but my netting system is keeping the birds from eating too many of them.