Potatoes are in the ground

My potatoes arrived on Friday, April 15, and I opened up the box and immediately cut them up. The process I used this year was to cut them into chunks, ensuring each piece had at least one eye. The eye is what ends up sprouting. In the past my potatoes arrived earlier so I was able to chit them, which is where I gave them a head start inside to let those eyes sprout. But I was anxious to get them in and wanted to capitalize on the gorgeous weather we had this weekend.

On Saturday, after allowing the cut pieces to dry, I planted 28 Purple Viking, and 15 AmaRosa Fingerling. I planted mostly in grow bags and had a few extra Purple Viking I added to the end of my garlic bed. I’ve had mixed results with potatoes the past few years, but it’s such a fun experiment and pretty thrilling to dig up potatoes that I wanted to try again.