Tag: peppers

The fall garden

This year was not a banner year for the garden. We had several heat waves, long spells without rain, and distractions at home that kept me from making a lot of extra effort. However, it wasn’t all a wash. This morning I harvested the rest of my potatoes and can...

A Kimble Farm update

Well it’s been a few months since I got my seedlings started, and things are moving right along here. Peppers are always the happiest, and my tomatoes and celery are hanging in there. I lost one tomato and one celery so far, but this is to be expected and I’m...

A fall garden

This is year two of our backyard garden. We’ve had successes this year that were failures last year, but continue to have fun seeing what grows in our yard. In year two, I’ve finally accepted that I have a dilemma: I want to grow things that need a lot of...